Construction d’une maison individuelle à Fraisses

Construction d’une maison individuelle à Fraisses

Ce terrain de 800m² est le dernier lot dans un lotissement à Fraisses. Le terrain est pentu et encastré entre les deux maisons déjà construites.

Afin d’échapper le toit de la maison située en contrebas du terrain et de profiter d’une vue dégagée jusqu’à l’unité d’habitation de Le Corbusier à Firminy vert, l’architecte CRISTAL A.B. a conçu une maison de R+1 avec une terrasse sud. Le volume est compact, mais toutefois pas imposant. L’imbrication entre la partie habitable et l’auvent du garage anime la façade sur la rue.

Au démarrage, le lot de terrassement a pris plus de temps que prévu car le maître d’ouvrage a souhaité rajouter certaines prestations supplémentaires pour obtenir un jardin plat sans mur de soutènement. Ce retard est absorbé par une gestion rigoureuse de votre architecte CRISTAL A.B. Il faut également relever que les entreprises de secondes œuvres ont été très réactives. Le planning prévisionnel a été respecté. Les tests de l’étanchéité à l’air (un fait au cours du chantier et l’autre à l’achèvement des travaux) ont été effectué avec succès. Ainsi, malgré un léger retard à l’origine, la maison a été livrée dans les délais prévus.

Cette charmante maison individuelle a été livrée courant décembre 2018.

Les Sorbiers residency

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Les Sorbiers residency in Oyonnax[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]CRISTAL A.B. answered the Agence Locale de l’Energie et du Climat de l’Ain (ALEC 01) request for proposals in February 2017, in collaboration with AD Environnement for an architectural and energy audit of the Les Sorbiers residency in Oyonnax. Our common references and our methodological note caught the attention of ALEC 01 and the copropriety syndic, so our team was chosen in October 2017.

We had already visited the site to discover the 5 buildings and their 75 accommodations, built between 1985 and 1991 in three stages. Some of them were changed into medical practices. We talked with residents to grasp their feelings. We assessed the state of the site and analyzed the plans, which were often on fragile tracing paper.

The analysis and technical recommendations are very detailed. The solutions are quantified and planned according to priorities.

The global technical diagnosis was delivered in early June 2018, in order to be presented by the managing syndic to the general assembly of the co-ownership.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Boisset Saint-Priest primary school

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Boisset Saint-Priest primary school[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]The municipal school is not a co-ownership. Nonetheless, the Boisset Saint-Priest commune wanted to use the DTG method to know the energetic and patrimonial report of the whole school, particularly the old building.

The buildings have many flaws: water tightness defaults, infiltrations, splitting…
Along with this assessment, the site must become compliant with accessibility rules for people with reduced mobility.

Concerning the old building, the communal services want to resort to an energetic renovation, while treating the existing pathologies and conforming the site to accessibility rules. Collaborating with AD Environnement, we suggested a study on the whole site to estimate the energetic consumption of the buildings and thus present the most relevant optimisation solutions. Moreover, even though the second building is recent, the energy audit often shows issues with uses (regulations, temperature set point…) that require interventions and would allow energy savings.

No plan or description of the old building were saved. We made a detailed assessment of the building and a precise on-site analysis, in order to solve the issues and suggest quantified solutions.

The thermal and architectural diagnosis was presented to the municipal team on November 9th 2017. The commune will use it to optimize its budget and manage priorities in planning the works.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Terrasses du Midi

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Terrasses du Midi in Saint Étienne[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The syndic council of the Terrasses du Midi residency, located in Saint-Etienne and constructed in 1977-78, decided to suggest a global technical diagnosis (DTG) and an energy audit at the 2015 co-owners general assembly.

Advised FONCIA IGD (the syndic managing the co-ownership), the syndic council first contacted the environmental supervising office AD Environnement for an energy audit and a DTG. Lacking abilities for the latter, CRISTAL A.B. was solicited for their knowledge about accommodations and renovations.

One year after the Alur law implementation, DTG reports are scarce. Both agencies spent many hours visiting the 7 buildings and 73 accommodations of the co-ownership. The analysis of pathologies, the research is archived documents (descriptions, plans), the meticulous assessing of the common portions and the polls with the residents allowed us to create a very detailed and precise report.

The report was presented to the general assembly on June 15th 2015, and met a great success. The co-owners were involved and asked insightful questions, to which architect CRISTAL A.B. gave satisfactory answers.

The co-ownership is actively preparing the consulting of companies that will allow the works. It will lower the energetic expenses while improving the comfort and security of the whole residency, according to our DTG’s prescriptions and the energy audit.

Because of the residency’s complex configuration and our lack of experience, we spent much more time than expected on this mission. Its success is rooted in our will to correctly study every hypothesis and detail, and is not based on profitability. We did not hesitate to go back to the site several times to verify details in the basements, the roofs and the surroundings of the buildings.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

La Grange residency

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]La Grange residency[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The La Grange co-ownership, located in Panissières (Loire), consists in two buildings dating back to 1971, with 42 accommodations. Its construction date, before the first thermal rules of 1974, explains a lot of thermal flaws. The fact that the co-owners themselves changed the woodwork from single to double glazing shows that the residents yearn for more comfort, and that one-off intervention is not efficient.

In January 2016, the co-owners syndic ordered a global technical diagnosis (DTG) and an energy audit. This was before the implementation of the Alur law. This expresses a strong will to resort to a complete diagnosis of the buildings without waiting for the law to impose it, which shows how important our report was for the co-owners.

We have meticulously studied the archived plans, which included several modifications. We assessed the state of the site twice. Our energy audit collaborator (AD Environnement) lead a poll about the residents’ energetic consumption and comfort.

The flaws are numerous: lack of thermal isolation, there are still some single-glazing windows left, the balcony aspects are very deteriorated, lack of smoke extraction, condensation inside the accommodations, possible presence of asbestos…

The final report presented by AD Environnement at the 2016 co-owners general assembly allowed to put the elected works in the maintenance book. The planned works will considerably improve the thermal comfort of the accommodations, as well as the exterior aspects of the buildings, which will thus increase the patrimonial value of the residency.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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